Sunday, April 15, 2007

No more pictures...

I won't be posting any more pictures on our blog (& deleted the ones we had). Terry and I have chosen not to put pictures of our girls where the public can access them. However, if you'd like to be kept updated with pictures, let me know & I'll email them to you. And I'll only email pictures if you ask me to... :)


dykstra said...

What a great idea! Thanks for all the updates and I am glad no more kids photos. Bummer that we live in such a crazy world we cannot post those pics. Thanks for emailing them still. I wish I could be that good at taking and then sending them. Someday you'll get some from me. Keep them coming and have a great Mothers Day!

dykstra said...

That is such a great idea you guys have. I am glad that your not posting photos and sending them now by regular email again. I thought it might not be a good idea when you posted the first pictures. Sad that the world is so dangerous you cannot share pictures on public site. Keep the info coming and again thanks for sharing and what a great idea!

Stacy Dykstra

dykstra said...

Sorry for the double had erased my comments when it made me join the account and it didn't have it posted so I had to retype my thoughts and so you got a double one!