Monday, December 10, 2007

Being a kid again...

One of the most fun things about having children is that we parents get to relive our childhoods a little bit. I swing on the swings, slide down the slides, climb around the huge inflatables at Pump it Up (check out if you're not sure what I'm talking about) & yesterday, I went to the roller skating rink!! What fun!

Morgan had a birthday party at the roller skating rink & I was planning on picking her up when the party was over and taking advantage of some child-free shopping time. However, Morgan has never roller skated before and as I was watching her struggle, decided I couldn't leave her. So, I ran to Payless Shoe Source to buy some socks, raced back & rented some roller skates. After trying to skate on the rink, we were a little bit frustrated, so I suggested that Morgan try skating on the carpet since it isn't as slippery. Before you know it, she's flying around the carpet and bravely attempting the rink. I was so proud of her! She had such huge strides of improvement!! And, not wanting to smother her, I asked her if she wanted to try it on her own, which she did. So that meant I got to zip around the rink a few times myself (skating to Michael Jackson's "Thriller") - just like the good ol' days. We also got to do the Hokey Pokey, the Chicken Dance & the Limbo (which I opted out of, but Morgan did it!!).

Growing up, my skating buddy was Susie and we skated ALL the time - mostly around the dairies, but we also went to skating rinks fairly often, too. And you know what's interesting? The second I walked into the skating rink yesterday & took a sniff, I was brought back to all of those years ago. I couldn't believe that the skating rink smelled the same as I remembered!! I must have looked pretty funny skating - after all, I am a 34-year-old mother of three - but I have to tell you, I can't wait to take Allie & Alexis!!!

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