Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Another Smarty Pants!

If you read the comments left on my previous blog entry, you'll find that Lorinda thinks it is Allie who is the smarty pants - after all, the behavior chart went missing... Aaah, I think that is entirely correct and I have further evidence to prove it. When Morgan and Allie are sent to bed, they are supposed to stay in their room (otherwise Mommy gets quite annoyed!!). So, when Allie wants something, she usually just yells & yells until I respond. Sometimes, though, Morgan will come out of their room to tell me that Allie wants me. Okay. Well, the other night, Morgan comes out of bed to tell me that Allie wants me and that she sent Morgan to tell me so that Allie wouldn't get in trouble for being out of bed!! Terry & I got a huge laugh out of that one. AND! It is proof that Allie is a thinker - though possibly a bit devious... :)

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