Saturday, November 22, 2008


Wow - oh wowie wow wow!!! We did it! We have achieved our goal of adopting 82 women at the Battered Women & Children's Shelter!! Thank you to the following women who "closed the deal"...

Lorinda Symens - 2
Judy Geelhoed - 2
Betty Oostdam - 4

I also have one generous woman, Carmen, who would like to donate some of her unused makeup. And I think that is such a fabulous idea!! So, if you have unused makeup (samples or whatever!) you'd like to donate, I know they'd be really grateful. I'll deliver any makeup donations when we deliver the lipsticks.

ALSO, if you or your friends would still like to donate lipsticks, please don't feel like you're too late - there are A LOT of women in need - no donation will go to waste.

THANK YOU - all of you - for your generosity & your prayers. You have been such a huge blessing to me! I was so nervous about having such a big goal and now, not only have we achieved the goal, but we are two weeks early!! You're the BEST!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jen!!!