Sunday, August 26, 2007

Don't Cry For Me, Allie!

Allie is a very funny kid - she has a contagious giggle that makes everyone else start laughing and will probably end up getting her out of a lot of trouble because of it. However, Allie is also a little too whiney (it's like nails on a chalkboard for her poor mother's ears!!) and does not like it when Morgan or I sing. Allie enjoys singing, she just doesn't want to hear it from anybody else. Now, I may just get voted into the Cruel Mothers Hall of Shame for my latest attempt at "curing" her whining. When Allie begins to whine or cry, I break into song. Not quietly, but as vocally booming as I can, singing, "Don't Cry for Me, Argentina!" She HATES it!! I tell her that I'll quit singing once she stops crying. So far, it's working pretty well...

And the funny thing is that Morgan requests that I sing it!! She thinks it's hysterical that Allie hates it and I keep singing louder and louder. After Allie has stopped crying, Morgan wants me to keep on going. Of course, if I didn't stop after the crying & whining stopped, I really would have to be nominated for the Cruel Mothers Hall of Shame...

Now my problem is that I'm not sure what I'm going to do once Allie is cured - I really like belting out that song!

1 comment:

Momma Oak said...

that allie girl is SO cute!