Sunday, August 26, 2007

The issue of boys...

Morgan and I once had a couple of kind-of-funny conversations on the topic of boys. She asked me if I wanted to have a baby boy and I told her that I was perfectly happy with my three sweet girls. She went on to say that we wouldn't really want a boy because they're so loud and they get into trouble. Not to mention that she also thinks they're chatty (talk about the pot calling the kettle black!!).

Then, we were at the Burger King play area and Morgan comes running up to me in tears because a boy yelled at her. Not calling her names or anything, but just a loud "Aaagh!!" right in her face. What's up with that? My girls just don't know what to do with the boys at the play areas. They're constantly yelling in my girls' faces and scaring them! I have seen one good thing come out of it, though. Allie is very shy and will not stick up for herself. However, if someone tries picking on Alexis, she orders the "villain" to not hurt her baby sister!!! Go, Allie!!

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