Monday, September 3, 2007

God & our A/C

Our air conditioner has been out for an entire week. Now, before you start feeling sorry for us because it is the end of August/beginning of September in south Texas, I assure you, there is no need! Our weather has been amazing!! We could have been having high 90's - low 100's temperatures. Instead, God has blessed us with lows in the 70's & highs in the 80's - it's been cloudy & the evenings have been filled with cool breezes. Thank you, Lord!! And, hopefully, my next update will include a report that the a/c man has returned - replacing the necessary circuit board...

Speaking of updates, Alexis' poor, little heiny is finally healed!! Woo hoo!! After trying numerous different remedies, I asked a pharmacist's opinion and she thought that because the rash had been there for more than a couple of days, that it was probably a fungus. She recommended the generic of Lotrimin (for athlete's foot & jock itch) and said to give it a couple of days to work. Sure enough, Alexis' rash began clearing up nearly immediately and was fully gone in about 2-3 days. I know this last little ditty is a little graphic, but I decided to share it because perhaps it could help another mom/child having similar troubles. Another thing I learned is that your pharmacist is a really great resource - & they're right there in the store that you're shopping at!

And! Morgan had a terrific first week of school. She loves her teacher & everything about school. In fact, she told me that she wished school was 9 hours long - instead of only 7! But I have to admit, by 2:45, I'm really ready to see my sweet Morgan again!!

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