Thursday, September 20, 2007

Happy Birthday, Alexis!

Today is my sweet baby's 2nd birthday! One minute, it seems like time is flying by - the next, it seems like it was eons ago when Terry delivered Alexis Grace on our bathroom floor, not just two years ago. I'm feeling a bit melancholy today - the realization that I don't have a "baby" anymore has hit me. Alexis seems so grown up to me lately! Now that she has been walking for quite a while, she has lost her baby fat & is very lean (& very tall!). I get asked multiple times a day if she and Allie are twins because they are the same size. They wear the same sized clothes & shoes - although Alexis' hands and feet are both bigger. It is truly amazing to me how my preemie has grown so unbelievably fast!

Since I'm talking about Alexis today, I have to add that she is one of the sweetest children I've ever known! When she smiles, her entire face brightens up and you can't help but smile back. And she makes some of the most comical facial expressions - and when I drop her off at the nursery, her lower lip promptly comes out (& sometimes tears, too) because she would rather stay with me. Alexis just loves her sisters, too - all Morgan & Allie have to do is ask Alexis for whatever is in her hands and Alexis happily hands it over - smiling because she made her sister happy. She's just a sweet, sweet spirit and our family is so blessed that God sent her to us.

1 comment:

Sab Mad said...

Happy Birthday Alexis!