Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Today, on our way home from MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers), Allie started asking about heaven. So I told her how we would have new bodies and that we would never get sick. She then asked if there would be any crying - to which I answered that nobody would cry. Not Allie, not Alexis, no one. She was pretty excited about that (& I was too, actually!). Then I asked her if she thought it would be neat that we would get to talk to Jesus when we're there. She said, "Jesus?! The real Jesus? Not a fake one?!" I assured her that the real Jesus would be there and so I was blessed with a prime opportunity to talk about having Jesus in our hearts. Allie doesn't quite understand everything about sin & salvation, but she does know that she loves Jesus & God and loves to sing about them. I can't imagine that God thinks that there are many things better than hearing a child sing to Him in love. I know it melts my heart...

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