Saturday, November 10, 2007

Our Very First Yard Sale!!

Today was monumental - we had our very first yard sale ever. We girls, that is - lucky (?) Terry had to work today. Two of our neighbors joined us & we did pretty well, I think. Although, I'm surprised that more clothes didn't sell! I'm afraid nice, cheap clothes would have been a BIG weak point for me (maybe that's why I don't go to yard sales!). But the icing on the cake was The Blom Girls' Stand. They sold lemonade & Rice Krispy Treats and Morgan did a fantastic job asking customers if they'd like to buy some. They made nearly $20!! And some very sweet friends also came by to show their support, which the girls loved.

I have to tell you - we didn't sell any toys. And the reason why is because the girls didn't want to. Instead, they REALLY want to give their toys away to children who don't have any. Isn't that sweet?! If you can think of a good place to bring them, let me know.

Well, my sit-down break is over. Now I have to put away all of those little girls' clothes - again - until I come up with a way to sell them!! Ugh...

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